Consider \(f\) and \(A\) and \(f(A)\). What is the identity? Can there always be an inverse? No, consider \(f(x)=x^2\) and \( A = \{ 0 < x < 1 \}\). We see that \(f^{-1}(f(A)) = \{ -1 < x < 1 \}\). What condition can guarantee that you can always find an inverse? From a new idea, how many more ideas can be formed in combination with existing ideas? Set of existing ideas = [ identity, inverse, transitive, union, intersection, equality, less than or equal, subset ]


Boolean Logic


What is proof by contradiction

Implication and Contrapositive

1.1 Sets and Functions



DEF Function

1.2 Mathematical Induction

1.3 Finite and Infinite Sets

DEF 1.3.1 Finite Infinite

THM 1.3.2 Cardinality of a finite set is unique

THM 1.3.3 \(\mathbb{N}\) is infinite set

THM 1.3.4 Cardinality and Set operations

THM 1.3.5 \(\subset\) and conditions for Finite/Infinite

DEF Denumerable, countable, uncountable

THM 1.3.8 \(N \times N\) is denumerable

\(N(a,b) = b + sum_prev_diags\) \(diag(a,b) = a+b-1 = d\) we know \(b \leq diag(a,b) \) if diag is same, then it is clear N is injective suppose diag is different, let diag2 bigger than diag1 so \(b1 < diag1 < diag2\) \(b1+diag0..1 = b2 + diag0..1+diag1..2\) \(b1 = b2 + diag1..2 > diag2\) contradiction b1 cannot make up for the distance btw two diff diagonals

THM 1.3.9 \(T \subset S\)

THM 1.3.10

THM 1.3.11 Rational numbers are countable

2.1 Algebraic and order properties of R

2.1.1-2.1.3 Algebraic properties of field R

2.1.4 \(\sqrt{2}\) is irrational

Order of \(\mathbb{R}\)

2.1.7 Properties of order on R

No smallest positive real number can exist

2.1.9 Thm

If \(0 \geq a \gt e \forall e \gt 0\) then \(a=0\)

2.1.10 Thm

If \(ab > 0\) then \(a > 0\) \(b > 0\) or \(a < 0\) \(b < 0\)

Remark: Arithemetic-Geometric mean

Remark: Bernoulli's Inequality

2.2 Absolute Value and Real Line

Definition of ABS

2.2.3 Triangle Inequality

2.2.4 Corallaries of Triangle Inequality

2.2.5 Triangle Inequality for N sums

2.2.7 E neighborhood

2.2.8 if x is in every e neighborhood of a then x is a

2.3 Completeness Property

Def 2.3.1 Bounded above, below, bounded sets

Def 2.3.2 Supremum Infimum

Remark: Uniqueness of suprememum infimum

Remark: Consider the contrapositive of least upper bound condition of definition of suprememum

Lemma 2.3.3

Lemma 2.3.4

2.3.6 Completeness Property of R

Lets break down definition supremum

2.4 Application of Supremum



2.4.3 Archemdean Property

2.4.4 Corollary

2.4.7 Sqrt of 2 is real number

2.5 Intervals

DEF Interval

2.5.1 THM Characterization of Interval

DEF Nested Intervals


2.5.2 THM Nested Interval Property

2.5.3 THM Uniqueness of Common Nested Interval Point

2.5.4 Set of \(\mathbb{R}\) is not countable

DEF Binary representation

2.5.5 THM \(\mathbb{R}\) is uncountable

3.1 Sequences and Their Limits

3.1.1 DEF Sequence

3.1.3 DEF Limit of Sequence

3.1.4 Uniqueness of Limit

I started off with a diagram and realized, hey maybe the distance between the 2 different limits,(A,B), will show that the sequence will have to exist in 2 impossible places It came more down to if the sequence is within 1 limit Ve(A), it cannot be in the other Ve(B)

3.1.5 Explanation of Convergence of Limits in terms of Neighborhoods

3.1.8 DEF Tail of a Sequence

3.1.9 THM Tail of a Sequence has same limit as sequence

3.1.10 THM

3.2 Limit Theorems

3.2.0 Introduction

3.2.1 DEF Bounded sequence

3.2.2 THM Convergent sequence implies bounded

3.2.3 THM Real number operation on sequences and limit

3.2.4 THM order on sequence corresponds to order on limit

3.2.5 THM Inequality is preserved for sequences and their limits

3.2.6 LEMMA

3.2.7 THM Squeeze Theorem

3.2.8 Examples of non convergent sequences

3.2.9 Convergence and abs

3.2.10 Convergence and sqrt

3.2.11 Convergence and ratio

EX 3.2.21

3.3 Monotone Sequences

3.3.0 Introduction

3.3.1 DEF monotone sequence

3.3.2 THM Monotone sequence is convergent

3.3.5 Sequence that converges to sqrt 2


3.4 Subsequences and Boltzano Weistrauss

3.4.1 DEF Subsequence

3.4.2 THM Sequence convergence and subsequence convergence

3.4.4 THM TFAE

3.4.5 Divergence Criteria

3.4.6 THM Monotone Subsequence

3.4.7 THM Bounded sequences has convergent subsequence

3.4.9 THM Boltazno Weistrauss

3.5 Cauchy Criterion

3.5.0 Introduction

3.5.1 DEF Cauchy Sequence

3.5.2 THM Convergent Sequence is Cauchy

3.5.3 THM Cauchy sequence is Bounded

3.5.4 THM Cauchy sequence is Convergent

3.5.7 DEF Contractive Sequence

3.5.8 THM Contractive Sequence is Cauchy

3.5.9 Estimation of limit based on Contractive


3.6 Properly Divergent Sequence

3.6.1 DEF Divergent Sequence

3.6.3 THM

A monotone sequence is divergent iff it is unbounded

3.6.4 THM

3.6.5 THM

3.6 Exercises

3.7 Introduction to Series


3.7.1 DEF Series

3.7.2 EX Geometric Series

EX Natural series

PRP \(\sum{x_n}\) convergent \(\rightarrow\) \(Lim(x_n)=0\)