\(\def\lim#1#2{ \underset{#1 \rightarrow #2}{lim} }\)

1 Preliminaries

1.1 Sets and Functions

1.2 Boolean Logic


2 The Real Number

2.1 Algebraic and Order Properties of R

2.2 ABS and Real-Line

2.3 Completeness Property of R

2.4 Applications of Supremum

2.5 Intervals

3 Sequences

3.1 Sequences and Their Limits

\(\exists e > 0\) s.t. \(\forall k \neg (i > k \rightarrow |x_i-L| < e)\) \(\exists e > 0\) s.t. \(\forall k ( \exists i > k) \land |x_i-L| > =e )\) There is an episilon, that no matter how far you go down in the sequence, there is an element in the sequence that lies outside the e neighborhood of L

3.2 Limit Theorems

3.3 Monotone Sequences

3.4 Subsequences and Bolzano Weierstrass Theorm

3.5 Cauchy Criterion

3.6 Properly Divergent Sequences

3.7 Introduction to Series

4 Limits on Functions

4.1 Limits of Functions

4.2 Limit Theorems

4.3 Some Extensions of the Limit Concept

5.1 Continuous Functions 120

5.2 Combinations of Continuous Functions 125

5.3 Continuous Functions on Intervals 129

5.4 Uniform Continuity 136

5.5 Continuity and Gauges 145

5.6 Monotone and Inverse Functions 149