Hungerford Theorem 1.6.7

A permutation \(S_n (n > 2)\) cannot be both even and odd

Key question: What property should we start with and look at? Since even and odd is defined by the numb of transpositions we should observe the properties of transposition

Then we looked at how transposition affects permutation, it switches the two elements. But it was difficult to see any particular pattern from here Is there a simpler example we could look at? Yes, cycles Transpositions either add, remove, split cycles such that it reduces the total number by 1

Since, a permutation is a product of disjoint cycles we could see how transpositions affect permutations in a similar way

\(P = even /rightarrow P(even)^{-1} = ident\) \(P = odd /rightarrow P(odd)^{-1} = ident\)

The identity must be no transpositions remaining, the number must be 0 P's number from the disjoint cycle is fixed N. and we claim N+(+1-1+1-1...) = N+(+1-1+1-1...) = N+odd = N+even


20200611 (Fri)

Working again

Hungerford Problem 1.5.19

Suppose \(H\leq G, N\trianglelefteq G\), then \(([G:H],|N|)=1 \rightarrow N < H\) and \(([G:N],|H|)=1) \rightarrow H < N \)

Prove that every permutation is a product of distjoin cycles

Cor order of ab is lcm of the order of a and b

Cor order of product of cycles is lcm of the orders of the cycles

20200615 (Tue)

How can you

Even permutations is a normal subgroup

Even permutation is the unique subgroup of index 2 in Sn

Really difficult and stuck on (prev problem)

The time is now

Examples of Sn

\(N*(N-1)/2\) One odd subset cannot contain them all in a subgroup because this would generate the entire subgroup Can a subgroup contain all the transpositions? In S3 product of 2 3-cycles is another cycle how does this extend to S4?

k = (n-2)! k divsor of n!/2 n=4 k=2 n=5 k=6


Burn out



\(|H:H \cap K| \leq |G:K|\). If \(|G:K|\) is finite \(|H:H \cap K| = |G:K| \leftrightarrow HK = G\)



\(|HK| = \dfrac{|H||K|}{|H \cap K|}\)



